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How to Potty Train!

Potty Training is the worst nightmare of parenting…. I fortunately did not have to deal with that. It sure was hard since Kyra has special needs and we had to add in few things than what people traditionally don’t do but it was doable.

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Even The Bravest Have Fears

The sea is usually calm after a storm and before a storm. How ironic! I for one fear the calm. You get used to the calm and get engrossed in the beauty. You forget the battle you fought with storm to survive.

DIY Adaptive Bike Pedal

Kyra has foot drop due to Cerebral palsy, it's a gait abnormality in which the dropping of the forefoot happens due to weakness, due paralysis of the muscles in the anterior portion of the lower leg. The adaptive pedal allows foot to be strapped into pedal for a stable pedaling platform offering more stability to someone who needs more help with balance and leg strength.

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A-F-O also known as ankle-foot orthosis is a brace that supports weak limbs, or positions a limb with contracted muscles into a more normal position. The goal of AFO use is to stabilize the foot and ankle and provide toe clearance during the swing phase of gait. This helps decrease the risk of catching the toe and falling.

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How to build Splash Pad using PVC pipes.

Want your kids to have as much fun as Kyra in this picture? Want to make a splash pad in your back yard for summers? Confused on where to start and how complicated it will be? Well worry not, I am here with a tutorial on How to make a splash Pad with PVC pipes in approx $50.

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My Perfectly Imperfect Life!

"You have lead a perfect life till now, Now even your life is not Perfect. You are like the rest of us"

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