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Pincer Grasp with Marbles

Now why learn in affected hand when non affected one already knows pincer?

Well for activities like cutting with scissors requires two hand pincer grasp. Also the skill of dressing one requires two hand pincer grasp.

Building Finger strength with finger paintbrushes

Painting is good for it helps with the development of hand-eye coordination Finger painting in particular helps strengthen the finger and hand muscles.

Puppet Play and Fine motor

Kyra had very interactive CIMT session, her pincer was good, she tried her best. She loved talking to scorch.

Click here to read more and video

Vertical surface activity with cotton balls and press & seal

We are making sheep with cotton balls and Press & Seal
Doing Vertical Surface Activity

Working our Pointer muscles

Kyra is learning to use pointer finger. Her finger is very weak and shows very less sign of movement or awareness

Fine motor skill with wrist movement

This toy is called POP THE PIRATE
Kyra here is trying to turn her hand and hold he sword using 3 fingers

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